Our Workers

Our Workers

Servant-Leader: Steve Nicholes

Steve Nicholes is one of our servant-leaders. He's an elder and shepherd of the church that meets here in Issaquah. He leads and serves with joy, supported by his wife Toni. He is passionate about telling others about Jesus, and advocating for the power that God's love has in each persons's life. Toni is active in teaching women's studies and has a weekly podcast/vlog you can find on this website called "Women Abiding in Joy".

Servant-Leader: Chris Bethell

Chris has been an shepherd at the church in Issaquah since 2016. He and his wife Teri moved here from San Jose, CA in 2013. Chris has been a Christian for more than 40 years. 

"I am constantly amazed by the grace, mercy, and love God has shown through Jesus." Chris recently shared. "My prayer is that I might serve others and show jsut a hint of the immense love Jesus has shown to me."

Evangelist: Darrell Beane

Darrell is a full-time worker for Christ. He studies the Bible and shares what he reads. He is an evangelist, teacher, and student of God. Most public events, studies, and worship feature lessons and thoughts from Darrell. We are happy to have his student's heart proclaiming the good news of Jesus among us. He would absolutely love for you to connect with him in person or distance. Ask your questions; raise your concerns. the Bible has the answer, and Darrell will love to point you to it. 


Digital Evangelist: Luke Moyer

Luke is a part-time Digital Evangelist. He is a teacher and student of the Bible. His role is to spread the good news of Jesus online. He supports the local work in Issaquah as an evangelist by preparing their digital platform. He produces studies you can participate in online! You can be part of the God's family wherever you are.