

Have a question?

Check our frequently asked questions below. If it's not answered there, ask it here. Have feedback? We love to hear from everyone. Jesus has an answer to every spiritual question, and we want to discover it with you. You can ask questions directly to our workers if you would like. Contact us below!

But if you seek the Lord your God from there, you will find him, if, indeed, you seek him with all your heart and soul. In your distress when all these things happen to you in future days, if you return to the Lord your God and obey him (for he is a merciful God), he will not let you down or destroy you, for he cannot forget the covenant with your ancestors that he confirmed by oath to them. Deuteronomy 4:29-31 NET


Frequently asked Questions


Who is Jesus?

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the savior of the world. He was born two thousand years ago in ancient Palestine to Jewish commoners. At age 30, he began preaching that God's kingdom had come. He performed miracles or healing that no contemporary could deny while claiming to be God's divine Son. He became so popular among the common Jews that the leadership grew jealous. They contrived a way to have the Romans crucify him. Jesus planned for this, and through his death, offers pardon for sins.

After some time in the tomb, Jesus came back to life in an event called "Resurrection." He commissioned his chosen followers (called disciples or apostles) to spread his message to the whole world. Even now, we believe that his resurrection can raise our own souls from the death of sin, and raise our own bodies on the final judgement day.

Why do we need Grace?

God made us to be good and perfect. Unfortunately, ever since the beginning of time, mankind has chosen to do their own thing. When we reject God's intent for us, it is called sin. As analogy, let's say we chose to commit a crime, and as a result someone died. We are accountable for that death, and there is no price or work which can undo it or make it right. Our sin is a permanent death-sentence because it takes us away from from our Creator. We believe that every person feels the need for forgiveness, even if they don't understand it. People crave justice and peace. They search for it in every avenue of life, but the only way to redeem our souls is through God's generous and unwarranted pardon. This is what we call grace.

Can I be Forgiven?

Sometimes we feel so bad for the horrible things we do that forgiveness seems too good to be true. After all, I wouldn't forgive myself for what I've done, why should God? But God is not like us. He desires for all of His children to be at peace with Him. Even now, the Grace of God through the death of Jesus calls out to you. Your sin is not stronger than God. Your past is not more ugly than the cross of Jesus. Come to the cross and believe in the power of the blood of Jesus.

Is God Real?

We understand that not everyone believes in a Divine being. Even then, not everyone believes in the same God we do. We affirm only the God of the Christian/Jewish scripture (most often called "the Bible"). To learn more about who this God is and why we believe in Him, start with this article: Why We Believe.

Is Heaven (or Hell) a Real Place?

Heaven is a place we call God's home. Right now, God's home is in a purely spiritual existence beyond our vision and beyond scientific testing. It is where God reigns and hosts countless spiritual beings (often called angels). When the end of time comes, God will create a "new heavens and new earth" which will host us as well in newly perfected bodies! Heaven sounds amazing and becomes a staple of Hope. But what about Hell? Is that real too? Plenty of people want to find reason to discredit the existence of Hell because it sounds so bad. But scriptures do indeed affirm the reality of a home for those who hate God and don't seek to please Him. It is the antithesis of everything that is good about Heaven. To read more passages on the subject, read this article: What is Hell?

Saved by Faith Alone?

A common phrase you may hear from believers is: "Salvation by Grace alone; by Faith alone." We do preach Salvation through Grace and Salvation through Faith. But the common understanding of that phrase does not represent what Jesus teaches. Jesus says that we must build our lives upon His teaching or we will continue to destruction. Jesus says that we must love God with everything we have, which will include our energies, time, mind, and obedience to His will. Our salvation is by the Grace of God, but must be accepted with gratitude through our daily living. Read more in this article: Faith and Works.

What is Baptism?

It is common to hear about the debate of Baptism and whether it is necessary for salvation. Baptism is an old Greek word for "immersion". It is a symbolic act of transforming your life and dedicating it to a purpose. The ancients often understood baptism as the point at which one makes a life altering commitment to holiness. Jesus accepted this act when he first began preaching, and then commanded his followers to do the same. There is a lot of rich symbolism to this act, which you can read more about here. But we don't need to understand every detail to obey the command of Jesus: "Go into the whole world making disciples of all men, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Who is the Holy Spirit?

When we read the Gospel of Matthew we encounter three persons who are described as God. Each are present at the beginning of Jesus' preaching. The being we call the "Holy Spirit" is God. He has purpose, work, intent, agency, and feelings. He is active in the work of salvation and keeping our own spirits alive in Christ Jesus. Some attribute more or less activity to the Holy Spirit. For our thoughts, read this article: Is the Holy Spirit active today?

When Do We Meet?

We read about the early Christians meeting constantly with each other (even daily at times). Sunday, the first day of the week, recognizes the resurrection of Jesus. We meet as a church every Sunday like we read in the Bible to worship, pray, sing, study, and honor the resurrection of Jesus. We also choose to gather midweek for Bible study. Our members fellowship with each other throughout the week as they have occasion. See this page for our current listing of gathering times: About Us.

Where Do We Meet?

Jesus has not set any expectation for meeting in any one special holy place. God commanded the ancient Jews to build a holy place (the Temple) as they anticipate the greater version found in Jesus' body and life. Now, in Christ Jesus, we can always worship in holiness with direct access, wherever in the world we are. We chose to adopt a central building location that is easiest for our members to access. It provides us the best opportunity to worship, study, and prepare our work in the Lord's kingdom. See where we are here: About Us.

What do we do Together?

We attempt simplicity so that all may be comfortable and included. We meet for Bible class/study and have a male-lead teacher direct the group through Bible passages. Our goal is to know what scripture says and collaborate with each other on how to best apply it. All are welcome to participate. On Sundays we worship. The worship consists of: Prayer, Singing, the Lord's Supper, Sharing, and a Lesson.

What is the Lord's Supper?

On the evening before his death, Jesus gave bread and standard "wine" of the day - diluted grape juice - to his closest followers. He told them to eat and drink those two things "in memory of me". He connected the bread to his body which was about to die, and the juice (often called "cup" or "fruit of the vine") to his blood. Christians ate and drank this 'meal' every Sunday. We follow this pattern, as instructed by Jesus. The Lord's Supper is not a filling meal; it doesn't consist of a menu or sides. Instead, it is symbolic, with the focus on faith and introspection on the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Singing Only?

God directed select prophets in ancient Israel to praise Him with musical instruments. That process was highly regulated (read about it here), and only to be done by the ordained prophets. Under Jesus, everything about the ancient worship practices is fulfilled in Christ! Now everyone can praise God with the instrument of the heart! We become God's instruments of praise, and our melody is our fervent thanksgiving. God's wisdom has given us this generous opportunity, and we do not want to insult God by going back to the previous ways.

Male-lead Worship?

It's no secret that our modern culture derides gender specific roles and responsibilities. We stand by God's design and order for gender "from the beginning." When God made Adam and Eve he designed for Adam to be the head of the household; the leader of the family. Throughout the Bible, this continues to be the pattern. This pattern continues in the church. It is summed up well in 1 Corinthians 11:2 "God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of mankind, males are the head of females."

This is a state of roles, not of value. Jesus is not less valuable nor capable than God the Father! They are perfect equals! So is man and woman. But when it comes to the spiritual responsibilities we perform, we let men take the lead (however imperfect they are), and let women display the powerful trait of submission (which Jesus emulates perfectly). We know this is a contentious issue. Read this article for more: . Reach out to us for a personal study.

Where Does Our Money Come From?

The money used at this location comes only from donations from members. We do not accept commercial income nor do we perform fundraisers. The pattern of the earliest Christians is they shared generously with one another first. Then, further needs arose they shared with the group. This is all volunteer basis with no obligation other than the attitude of thanksgiving. We believe that God loves a cheerful and generous giver. "That which a man sows he shall also reap." We also do not receive funds from other churches. The only time we witness something similar to that in the early church is when natural disaster left brethren in need. God has blessed us here, and we can be givers to Christians.

What Do We Do With Our Money?

We read about the early churches doing two things with their money: Spreading the gospel of Jesus, and assisting Christians in their time of financial need. This church spreads the gospel in our local community through our materials, our worship and Bible class, and our preacher. We also engage in spreading the gospel to outside communities through online materials and digital and distance sharing. When we hear about faithful Christians who need help, particularly those impacted by natural disaster, we seek to make contact with them and help as they have need.

Do We Assist the Needy?

Yes! God's children are always ready and happy to assist those who need help meeting their human needs. We also love to see our fellow man thrive. But we believe this is first handled on a person-to-person basis. This affords the best spiritual growth and gospel connection. As mentioned above, the body of the church only sends money to faithful Christians in times of unprecedented need. But we don't need the church to do any money sharing when we have members who love the Lord and stand by to share! Come meet with us; get to know us. Let us know your spiritual needs. Let us know if there is more than just finances keeping you from fulfilling God's plans for you. Jesus said "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven, and the rest of life's needs are just bonus."

Do We Support Orphans?

Yes! "True and spotless religion is to visit orphans and widows in their time of need." Similar to the above, we believe this happens on an individual, person-to-person, level. We don't find the church of the first century needing to handle such situations, because family and friends stand by to help first. The Lord's church fund has its purpose. Our individual religious conviction must also have its place.

Do We Support Missionaries?

The term "Missionary" is a loaded word. To many, it refers to a church-sponsored organization which funds preachers across the world. The pattern we see in the first century is to send money to trusted preachers directly. We seek to make contact with and to know the preachers we support. Our money does not go to organizations to do our work for us or distribute on our behalf.