
Peace in a World of Chaos
It’s no secret that this world is chaotic. Everywhere we turn is another tragedy; another worry. Where are we going to turn to find rest from the stress?
Does politics have a solution? Even if every leader and policy that you wanted were put in place, do you really suppose you would have peace? Hardly. Your concerns would be on how to retain those policies and keep “them” from taking control.
Does work life have a solution? It’s a distraction from the real issues. As soon as you log off or check out it’s back to the worrying. Not to mention that everyone you work with is stressed also.
How about entertainment? Simply blow off steam to prepare to get back to the grind. There is a need to for a rest/work cycle. But ignoring the pains of life or putting them off for tomorrow, only makes it feel worse when it rolls around. We want to be part of a solution, not only for ourselves but for others too.
Does home life have a solution? We are getting closer, but not quite there yet. It is always good to prioritize family and keep those relations strong and foremost in your life. Unfortunately those relationships don’t solve the problems of life. They surely do make life worth fighting for, but they don’t take problems away.
The answer is to get back on the same page as your Creator. Yes you are made by a vastly intelligent Maker. Yes that Maker has a plan for life. The answer to the chaos and pain around us is to focus our attention on our Creator and the purpose for which He made us. He doesn’t promise a care-free life on earth. But He does promise three vital pieces, which together provide an answer:
- God promises salvation from your sins. There is no peace without forgiveness. And once you realize that peace with God is eternal and supersedes peace on earth, you will start the process of shifting priorities. This begins the journey to peace.
- God promises a peace that is incomprehensible. It would be futile to attempt to explain what cannot be understood. But the core of promise is that God’s own presence (through the Holy Spirit), will assist you in finding eternal peace. this peace starts now as you get busy doing the work of God in your life.
- God promises a hope for a perfect life. After the time of this life has ended, those who have aligned with their Creator are promised a new, perfect, world. In this second life (called the Resurrection), there won’t be any sins, pains, or tears to be troubled by. This is the ultimate resolution and fix to Chaos. And the hope we can lean on will guide us to have peace in this life also.
Want to find out how to obtain the Peace God offers? Follow any of the links below for further details. Everything here is based 100% on the Bible, God’s Word. If you want a personal conversation through any medium, send us a message!